Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Nerdy News Blog - October 21st

So where shall we start? Oh yes, the thing I just read a few minutes ago.

Martin Freeman Confirmed as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit

Unfortunately, Bilbo's not a pirate. But this picture makes me wish he was.

Holy hell, holy hell, holy hell! It's always awesome when you're top choice for a role in a movie you've been waiting for is exactly the guy you want! No, but seriously. Whenever I'd thought about The Hobbit, I saw Martin Freeman. He's short. I've only seen him in roles where he seems generally bewildered. And best of all, he has an actually English accent! Unlike Elijah Wood. They also announced who was playing the eight dwarfs who, along with Gandalf (Ian McKellan will be reprising the role for the two movies that make up The Hobbit), whisk Bilbo away. But honestly, who gives a crap about the dwarves? I can't remember their names even. Plus I didn't recognize a single one of the actors' names who play them. So whatever.

The Hulk is Coming to TV... Again

 The Hulk's first job as a go-go dancer didn't end happily. One drunken night with Thor can ruin everything.

Part of Disney's purchase of Marvel Comics has led the two companies to work on taking some of Marvel's properties to ABC. Amongst the possible series the companies were considering was The Punisher, The Eternals and, the one I wish would get made - Moon Knight. But ultimately, two shows were decided on. One involving young heroes Cloak and Dagger, that will be called, go figure, Cloak and Dagger, to be aired on ABC Family. The Hulk was previously the subject of a quite successful TV series in the 1980's, and Disney/Marvel is hoping to create another hit. This will make the fourth actor to play Bruce Banner in less than ten years, including Eric Bana, Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo (who will appear in The Avengers in 2012). Everybody ready for some more ripped purple shorts?

Screenwriters Finally Begin Writing the Script for the Next Star Trek

Do I need to say anything else? I just hope they don't use Khan for the villain. I want to see some Klingons.

There won't be any of this guy though. Probably just as well anyway.

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